Long time no see

Bet you thought I died suddenly right?
Nope. As it turns out I forgot the password for this blog for like 4 years? or however long its been.
Also I've been busy living my life and enjoying my time without a period making life hell. So that's been a plus.
A few things have changed in my life.
Some things didn't.

A List of things that stayed the same:
-I continue to work at the same bank.
-Still very much single
-Still living in the same place
-Still cancerfree
-Still boring as hell

A list of things that changed:
-I don't work in the same area. I moved over to taking calls instead of dodging them. I feel that this was the stupidest thing i could have done.
-I have both diabetes and high blood pressure. which is great cause both run in my family and I knew I was going to be facing this sooner rather than later.
-I'm teaching myself how to speak and read Korean. I recently re-discovered my love of K-dramas and discovered my love for K-Pop. While I listen to various artist within that genre. I only hard stan one group. BTS. I got into it in October and I haven't looked back since. Its legit the reason why I'm able to stay so freaking sane.
-We got a new dog like... 4 years ago? I got to name her so her name is, of course, Oswin. After the Doctor who character.
-I no longer lament on the children that I'll never have. I'm just focusing on being an amazing Aunty to my nephews.
-I also no longer worry about relationships. I still get a little envious when I see cutesy couples on the street, but its not all encompassing nor is the jealousy hot and fiery, its more like a minor buzzing followed by happiness that people find love in this world. Especially in the kind of world we live in today.

The biggest news so far!!!
I'm going on a vacation.
"To where?" You ask!
My cousin Kane is marrying his long time Girlfriend Tash in August. So I'm representing my family at the wedding and I'm freaking excited.
My Aunts that I'm staying with S and N have pretty much planned my trip for me. All I have to do is show up.
I have one month and 3 weeks.
I have seriously been counting down the days since i purchased my ticket in February.
I was thinking on doing a travel blog... maybe. But we all know how lazy I can get... Hello 4 years of radio silence.
