I think I'm going to Boston

To a school. It's called North Bennet Street.

It's a private vocational school. I want to take the bookbinding course. It's two years, super expensive, and at the end of it, I can work in a library/university/museum repairing books. Or I could open my own book repair shop. Or something.

I've come to the conclusion that I'm never going to do what I really want (art conservation) because the good programs are in the mainland and take forever to complete. And I'm old. And I'm too stupid. Far too stupid to go to Harvard or Princeton.

At least at NBSS I could still be repairing old things, and still work in a museum, which has always been what I wanted to do.

But it's expensive. On the east cost away from my family and friend (thats not a typo. I only have one friend) And I'm so stupid poor it's not funny.

I've just made myself so sad thinking about it.
