Hormones are weird.

Ok, so my OBGYN put me on estrogen. The first thing I noticed was that every single time I ate something after I took the pill, my stomach would hurt. Well now that I've been at it a week my nipples are so freaking sensitive that they hurt all the time. For any reason. If I reach out and accidentally brush against them, it hurts like a muther. When I put on my bra I have to do so very gingerly because if I'm too rough with my boobs it hurts.

My back it still hurting, but now it hurts when I lay down. Standing doesn't hurt. Sitting hurts a bit. I guess after almost two weeks of pain, I need to get it checked out already. And while I'm there I need to ask about post-menopausal things. I guess I need to go and make an appointment for tomorrow. I've been putting it off for a few weeks. I hate going to the doctors.

Anyway I'll only make an appointment if it's really bad tomorrow. So we'll see.
