Dear Jack

I like this group called Jack's Mannequin. In case you don't know them... Here's one of my favorite songs:

The lead singer there, Andrew McMahon, was diagnosed with Leukemia when he was 21. He made a documentary about his struggles trying to survive his cancer with the movie Dear Jack.

I found it on Nexflix a few days ago. I just finished it.

I cried. I cried for him and everyone who has cancer. I cried because if I waited any longer to get diagnosed with my cancer, I would have had to go though everything that Andrew had to. I would have had to have done the radiation, and chemotherapy, I would have had to watch as my hair fell out in clumps, and have been sick all the time.

I'm still crying now, because of the close call that I had. Of the cancer that changed me, and my future. For the children that I was supposed to have had that I now never will. For the life that I wanted for myself. For still being alive now to sit here at this computer and cry and thing about everything I've lost, because in the end, I have the most important thing. The thing that I've fought for. My right to stay in this world. My life.

"I swim for brighter days, despite the absence of sun" - Swim by Andrew McMahon
