14 days kids. That's two weeks.

So a few posts ago I talked about dying my hair red again. I did it. XD lets have a look see:

That's also my little sister, I quite like this picture, it says a lot about our relationship. I always support her and she always takes the lime light. HA!

If she reads that shes going to be miffed at me, or she might agree. One of two things. Ah well.

Anyway, I love my red  hair, even tho the bottom bits didn't  like the red dye. I'm about ready to redye the damn thing in the same color because it's not strong enough and my bosses don't seem to mind that I've gone and dyed my hair super red. So that's excellent for me. I told my boss, J that I was going to dye my hair Raggedy Ann red. He laughed and jumped back a bit. It's not my fault I wasn't born a ginger! I should have been... However, I do love my dark hair.

Right as I'm typing this up, I'm watching Moulin Rouge, and I've just realized how long it's been since I've actually watched this movie. I love Baz, which is the main reason I own it.

Anyhow, Guys, I have 14 days til my surgery. 14. It's two weeks. TWO WEEKS. Things are going to move fast from here on out. *sigh* I NEED to get those papers from my Doctor ASAP because I need them in my files. GAH.

I have to see if my mom can do it for me tomorrow, so that I'll have enough time to make copies, and send it around to the people that it needs to go to before my surgery.


My sister had a tiny bit of a breakdown yesterday. She cried for like an hour and a half. She still feels like shit today and there's nothing that I can do to help her. She likes to bottle up all her emotions until they explode out of her like this. It's not healthy. So she still feels like shit, and she will for a few more days still. I just hope she feels better soon. I don't like to see her so sad.

My mom isn't handling things well either. She's been so depressed that she slept pretty much all day today. It sucks, but there's nothing that I can do for her either. Again this is something that she's just going to have to push through. 

Why is it that the person with the cancer is the most well adjusted person in this whole house?
