I've got songs from Dr. Horrible stuck in my head.

Well, let's see. Tomorrow is Mother's Day, and since I'm extremely poor, we're going to the Haleiwa Market tomorrow morning and spending the day with my mom there. Also, apparently there's going to be a free concert with Jack Johnson, so that's a plus. It's not like I listen to his music all that much, (because he does make me quite sleepy with his dulcet tones.) But it should be neat to see him there. Also, its going to be packed, so we might have to leave very early from here.

Today we celebrated my brother's birthday. Yeah, the one that's screwed us over so many times I don't even care to think about it. While I haven't forgiven him, and I'm still not talking to him, and I still don't trust him as far as I can see him, I did get him a card and a birthday present, which, being as poor as I am, was just a box of Whoppers, his favorite candy.

However, I got to see my nephew and play with him, and feel sad that I won't have kids. But that sadness was tampered when he started SCREAMING his head off. So that made me feel a bit more comforted about my whole situation.

Anyway, I was out in the sun for the afternoon, cooking on the grill, so I feel a bit burnt around the edges and tomorrow is going to be even better because lord knows how long we're going to hang around the Market. But I'm looking forward to it. I'm going to take my camera so there should be some really nice pictures. We'll see how it goes tomorrow.

One last thing before I head off to shower (because all of me smells like smoke) if you're wondering about my title for this post, go check it out. Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog, is my fave.

That is all.
