I'm a young lady, with old lady problems.

I went to the doctor today, for some follow up stuff that should have been done last year.


So I had a chance to talk to my doctor about cancer prevention, and she talked to me about my higher risk of early onset osteoporosis, and heart problems. So while I don't have cancer, I now have older lady problems to deal with. Things that in the normal course of a woman's life, she wouldn't have to worry about until she was fifty or sixty. I have to worry about these things now.

I need to do a bit of research on preventive measures against osteoporosis, and do a little more research on other post menopausal health issues.

The doctor also said something about my vag becoming less.... Whats the word... Stretchy, I guess, and that would make having sex painful for me. Which sucks, because sex is fun. But since I don't have sex anyway, it's not really something I need to worry about just yet. And since I still have hormones stored in my fat cells ( at last, being fat is good for something) I'm still going through menopause, which means my vag is still somewhat stretchy. So that's a good sign. So to try and counteract that, she put me on some estrogen.

Now I'm at a risk for breast cancer, because some studies have shown a link between breast cancer and taking estrogen pills.


Also I don't know what I did but I strained my back and it hurts like a bitch. So I've been in constant pain.

Anyway, I need to get some rest. I still have to go to work tomorrow.
